Debate about the founder of the Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, By Kyrllos Eskandar.
Debate about the founder of the kingdom of Ancient Egypt.
Before the dynastic
period in Egypt, the land of Egypt was divided into two parts the north and the
south, each part had its own crown and its own local deity.
The red crown was the
crown For the north known as “Dshrt”, the white crown was for the south known
as “Hdjet”.
Goddess Wadjet “cobra”
was the local deity for the north, Goddess Nekhbet “ vulture” was the local
deity for the south.
After the unification of
the two lands in the 1st dynasty, the two lands have been unified
under the control of one king who used to wear the double crowns of the north and
south named “Sekhemty”, moreover the kings after the unification used to precede
their names with title “Nebti name” which was combination between the two local deities
of the north and the south (cobra and Vulture) to show and emphasise the
unification between the north and south under the control of the king.
A new capital established
to be the administrative center for the country named “Men nefr” 20 km south of Giza.
We have three names one
of them assumed to be the hero who united Egypt and established one of the
greatest empires in history;
According to Ancient
Egyptian tradition voiced by Manetho & Herodotos and the Ancient Egyptian
Kinglists, the 1st dynasty started with the unification of Upper and
Lower Egypt by the almost legendary king MENES while the archaeological record does not mention Menes.
The first king to be
prominently present in the available sources material is NARMER. his name has been found throughout Egypt, which sometimes
interpreted that Narmer was the first king to have ruled over the whole Egypt.
Narmer’s name also has
been found outside Egypt, In Syria-Phalestine, indicating that there was an
active trade going on between Egypt and parts of the Ancient Near East.
One of the most important
artefacts of king Narmer his schist palette, it is finely decorated with scenes
of the king as a victorious, and it shows scenes of celebrations. Most of the
scenes on this palette used to be interpreted as a sign of war between the north
and the south ended with the victory of Narmer and the unification of the two
This palette was found in
a deposit in Hierakonpolis a predynastic capital in the South of Egypt, the
deposit where it was found also contained other artefacts stemming from the
early beginnings of Ancient Egypt’s recorded history.
One of these artefacts, fragments of a macehead inscribed with the name of king Scorpion, whom sometimes referred as king Narmer’s predecessor. And sometimes
as a rival king.
But in a stylistic comparison of the macehead
of king Scorpion with both the macehead of king Narmer and his palette would
reveal that at very least, all three artefacts are very likely to have been
produced at the same atelier.
This and the absence of any other known sources to mention king Scorpion has led some Egyptologists to propose that Scorpion and Narmer were the same person. Until more sources are found that would confirm scorpion as a different king, the hypothesis That he and Narmer were the same cannot be discarted.
whether the three names for one person or three different kings, in the future with more discoveries and excavations the truth might be revealed to know who is the founder of our Empire.
By kyrllos Eskandar
facebook page: kyrllos eskandar- egypt tourguide
youtube channel: Shadow of pharaohs
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