Amenhotep iii and God Sobek at Luxor Museum
It was a memorable event when this extraordinary monument came to light at the bottom of a water-filled shaft. This adorable statue shows king Amenhotep iii next and embraced by god Sobek ; God Sobek represented as a man with a crocodile’s head and he is holding in his right hand the sign of life ANKH sign and giving it to the king, who represented standing, putting his hands on his ceremonial royal kilt and wearing the royal headcloth NEMES with false beard sign of divinity, and upon his forehead a copra for protection. The statue dates back to 18 th dynasty, new kingdom. made out of calcite, and discovered in Sobek Temple; Dahmasha city in a shaft at Armant canal on july 27 1967. We have to note that king Ramses the second obliterated the names of Amenhotep iii from the statue and added his own inscriptions and cartouches. GOD SOBEK: Crocodile god who was portrayed either as acrocodile or as a man with crocodile’s head, often...