Debate about the founder of the Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, By Kyrllos Eskandar.
Debate about the founder of the kingdom of Ancient Egypt. Due to the lack of the information and because of the scattrered sources we have three theories and hypotheses about the founder of the Ancient Egyptian Kingdom, the one who united Upper and Lower Egypt to become one strong Empire. Before the dynastic period in Egypt, the land of Egypt was divided into two parts the north and the south, each part had its own crown and its own local deity. white and red crwon The red crown was the crown For the north known as “Dshrt”, the white crown was for the south known as “Hdjet”. Goddess Wadjet “cobra” was the local deity for the north, Goddess Nekhbet “ vulture” was the local deity for the south. goddess wadjet and nekhbet After the unification of the two lands in the 1 st dynasty, the two lands have been unified under the control of one king who used to wear the double crowns of the north and south named “Sekhemty”, moreover the kings after the unification u...